The Adelphi Theatre is situated on the Strand in the heart of London's West End. The building has an unassuming front, but holds an impressive 1500 audience members over three different seating levels. There is a wide selection of seats available at all levels, all offering differing qualities of views.
The Stalls
The Stalls is closest to the stage and seats over 650 people. The section is divided by a partial aisle running down the centre, from row X at the rear to row K in the middle. The stage is quite high, so those in the first three rows may sometimes feel they are looking up at the action. Legroom is also limited in this front section. Towards the centre of the section views begin to be clearer, and the best seats are towards the centre of each row. The rake throughout the section is not very steep, so it is sometimes difficult to see over the audience in front. The overhang of the level above affects the view from seats in the rear of the section, and some views of the set becomes narrower the further back you go.
The Dress Circle
This section is the first level above the Stalls. It feels quite far back from the stage, although not particularly high. The rake is quite shallow, so views may be obscured by audience members in front of you. The Upper Circle overhangs the Dress Circle beginning around row D, so views from the seats in the rear of the section are restricted. There is no safety rail around the balcony, but the first few rows curve around, meaning they look across the stage rather than directly at it. The final rows feel quite far back from the action.
The Upper Circle
The Upper Circle is the highest level of the auditorium and sits above the Dress Circle. It can feel quite far back from the stage. There is a safety rail that runs along the balcony, creating minor obstructions to views from the first three rows. The Upper Circle is divided into a front and rear section, with better overall views in the front section. Seats towards the rear are somewhat obstructed by the safety rails around the stairwells. Seats on the final two rows are comfortable and unobstructed, but feel far away from the stage.
Where are the best seats for children at the Adelphi Theatre?
Children are at their most comfortable when they can see the stage clearly. The front five rows of the Stalls are too close to the stage for children and smaller audience members as the stage is very high. The most suitable seats are at the front of the Dress Circle, close to the aisle for easy accessibility throughout the performance.
Where are the Restricted View seats?
Stalls: R31, S31 and T31 are all labelled as restricted view. D4-5, D31-32, E4-5 and E32-33 are side views of the stage. Rows V, W and X may at times have obscured views due to the Dress Circle overhang.
Dress Circle: B5 and A33 have restricted views due to their placement on the row. C4-5, 34-35, D4-5, 32-33 and E3-4, 33-34 have side views of the stage.
Upper Circle: The first and final two seats in rows B - F are labelled as restricted view, along with the final two rows surrounding the stairwells, which all have a safety rail in view. The centre section of Row B may have to lean forward at times.
What if I am hard of sight or hearing?
The theatre is fitted with an infra-red system, for which headsets are available at the box office. Please be aware that the number of these are limited. There is no coverage in Stalls row R and back; Dress Circle row J and back and Upper Circle row F and back. Binoculars are available throughout the theatre and should be replaced after use.
How many steps are there in the theatre?
The front foyer is accessible by one small step. The Stalls are accessible from street level, with 41 steps up to the Dress Circle and 79 steps to the Upper Circle. Staircases have handrails on both sides.
Where are the toilets located?
Male: There are male toilets in the main entrance and foyer, as well as in the Stalls. There is a block of toilets in both the Dress Circle and Upper Circle foyers.
Female: There are female toilets on all levels, as well as in the main foyer.
Access: There is an adapted toilet in the Stalls section.
Where are the bars located?
The Vivien Ellis bar is level with the Stalls section, with the Jessie Matthews bar 20 steps down from the Stalls. The Dress Circle bar is 30 steps up, and the Upper Circle bar up 63 steps. Drinks can be brought to disabled customers in the Stalls by a member of the theatre staff.
Are there wheelchair facilities in the theatre?
There are two spaces in the auditorium for wheelchair users at the back of the Stalls, and both of these are slightly restricted. Transfer seating is available to any aisle seat, with a maximum of four wheelchairs in storage for each performance. Seats A7-9, A28-30, BB10, 11, 25, 26, and C31 in the Stalls all have the most legroom. Access dogs are also allowed into the auditorium, or can be kept by the theatre throughout the performance.